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MA Law Updates

MA Law Updates

Bill H4885 and How It Effects Obtaining Your LTC

MOST RECENT UPDATE ** August 2nd, 2024

The Department understands the need to provide access to Basic Firearm Safety courses to citizens of the Commonwealth seeking to obtain a license to carry a firearm. We are working with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) to clarify the statutory interpretation of the new firearms law. Regarding the basic safety firearms courses, and concerns related to the opportunity to obtain a License to Carry before the effective date of the law, individuals will not be required to take the new course called for under the law, including the live-fire requirement, until the law goes into effect. Please be advised that you are free to offer Basic Firearms Safety courses in their current format.

Please note, the Department will be sharing additional guidance as it becomes available.




Kristin M. Ryan
Firearms Licensing
Massachusetts State Police
470 Worcester Road 
Framingham, MA 01702

This email confirms that AT THIS TIME citizens are allowed to take the MA FID/LTC Home Firearms Safety Course (NON-LIVE FIRE) to obtain their FID/LTC as long as they do so before the new law goes into effect on October 23rd, 2024.

UPDATE** Information as of July 31st, 2024
Good Afternoon,

As you are aware, on July 25, 2024, Governor Healey signed into law An Act Modernizing Firearms Laws ( Part of this new law has made changes to the Basic Firearms Instructor Certification Program to include but not limited to:

The State Police’s development of a universal written examination to be utilized by all instructors.
All Basic Firearms Safety (BFS) Courses must include the following components:
(A) the safe use, handling and storage of firearms;
(B) methods for securing and childproofing firearms;
(C) the applicable laws relating to the possession, transportation and storage of firearms;
(D) knowledge of operation, potential dangers and basic competency in the ownership and use of firearms;
(E) injury and suicide prevention and harm reduction education;
(F) applicable laws relating to the use of force;
(G) disengagement tactics; and
(H) live firearms training.
Copies of a new BFS student certificate shall now be forwarded to DCJIS.
Any individual in possession of a License to Carry Firearms or Firearms Identification Card prior to August 1, 2024, does not have to re-take a BFS course for renewal purposes.
A Hunter Safety Course will only be a sufficient substitute for a BFS course for FID applications.

This law goes into effect 90 days from the date of signing – or October 23, 2024.

Currently the Department of State Police is working expeditiously with the Municipal Police Training Commission, the Firearms Records Bureau and the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security to develop guidance and regulations to comply with the new requirements in advance of the October 23, 2024 deadline.

Unfortunately, any classes taught after August 1, 2024, that do not adhere to the updated curriculum will not be sufficient for the issuance of an LTC. This will need to be disclosed to potential students.

Over the next few weeks we anticipate more correspondence with you, as an instructor, to provide additional information, survey’s, guidelines for accepting new course curriculum, and any changes to this newly signed law.

This would be a good time to submit any overdue student verification forms.

I appreciate your cooperation and patience as we maneuver together through this new legislation.




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